Living with Crystals

What is Spinel ?

Bracelets Crystals

What is Spinel ?

What is it? Spinel is usually seen as small octahedron-shaped crystals. It is very common in rounded grains and small bits. The name Spinel is derived from the Latin word “spina” which means spines. This is due to the stone’s needle-like formations. Chemically, spinel is known as “magnesium aluminium oxide”. This mineral usually comes in multiple colours such as red, green, blue, brown, violet, orange, and black. There are also Spinel stones that are colourless. The origins of spinel are as follows: Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Brazil, Pakistan, Russia, Turkey, Italy, Sweden, and Madagascar. What is it used for?...

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Amber - A drop of the sun.


Amber - A drop of the sun.

Amber Throughout history, an amber stone was portrayed as a drop of the sun, tears of the gods, hardened honey, etc. It is considered as protection stone and talisman of renewal. It is considered a powerful healing tool that is connected with the ancients, past life, and historic karma. Wearing amber jewelry is associated with many healing benefits from a natural pain relieving to improving sleep and quality of life. You will be more rested, and the chronic pain associated with joints and strain injuries will slowly go away. You should understand that it will give you relief from the...

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Queen of Crystals - Kunzite


Queen of Crystals - Kunzite

Queen of Crystals Kunzite was discovered in 1902 by gemstone specialist George Frederick Kunz in San Diego County, California. Kunzite is a gemstone that has a pink-lilac color due to the presence of manganese, and it is deeply loved for its color, clarity and high luster. The brighter the shade of color pink or lilac, the more valuable the Kunzite stone. It is well-known to be The Woman’s Stone because it helps young mothers who are having a tough time taking care of their young child. Kunzite brings inner peace and gives a high capacity of wisdom and understanding. It...

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October Birth Stone - Opal


October Birth Stone - Opal

Opal is a mineraloid or crystalline form of silica. It is colorless when pure. The Precious forms of Opal occur in a wide variety of colors, including white, yellow, red, orange, green, black, and blue. Opal is a delicate stone with a subtle vibrational energy which will enhance your cosmic consciousness and strengthen your mystical and psychic visions. It will inspire originality and boost creativity, helping to get the creative juices flowing, and it will give you energy every time you need that extra boost. The energies of this stone will also encourage you to be confident and comfortable to...

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